Three bicultural awards were established in 2021 to acknowledge and recognise a team or individual service and commitment to kaupapa Māori in the workplace, to recognise research in speech-language therapy celebrating mātauranga and kaupapa Māori, and to recognise speech-language therapists’ contribution and action to manaaki others, embodying manaakitanga in and outside their workplace.
NZSTA Tohu Manaaki
The NZSTA would like to recognise speech-language therapists’ contribution and action to manaaki others, embodying manaakitanga in and outside their workplace.
Manaaki encompasses how one recognises the mana of others by looking after people.
NZSTA Tohu Kaupapa Māori
The NZSTA would like to recognise a team or individual service and commitment to kaupapa Māori in the workplace. This award is not limited to speech-language therapists; however, nominees are expected to contribute positively to speech-language therapy spaces.
NZSTA Tohu Rangahau Award
The NZSTA would like to recognise research in speech-language therapy celebrating mātauranga and kaupapa Māori.
Mātauranga Māori speaks to the combined knowledge systems developed by our ancestors who travelled across Te Moana Nui a Kiwa and Māori living within the environment of Aotearoa.