How to start voice feminization
Gender-affirming voice and communication coaching
Speech and communication are fundamental to the way in which we express our gender. The goal of speech-language therapists is to help transgender and gender diverse people develop voice and communicat…

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Towards Equity for Māori: A guide for SLTs working in Aotearoa
Towards Equity for Māori: A guide for SLTs working in Aotearoa While created for SLTs working in Health, this document was gifted to the Association for distribution and sharing with members and to m…

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Looking for a speech-language therapist?  Good luck with that.
Speech-language therapists are the next health workforce ‘cab off the rank’ to be struck by growing staff shortages, a problem compounded by the likely closure of Massey University’s Bachelor of Speec…

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The benefits of the Māori SLT wānanga 2023

Hosted at Kuirau Marae in Rotorua on 3 - 5 March 2023, 34 SLTs and students participated representing all three universities, and SLTs working for MoE, special schools, kindergarten associations, universities, NGOs, community initiatives and private practices, NZSTA board members and people in leadership positions.

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SLTs on the straight to residency pathway

As of Monday, 29 May 2023, 32 more health sector roles have been added to the Green List, and all Green List health roles are now on the Straight to Residence pathway. People are now eligible to apply under the new Green List criteria. Further information about these changes can be found on the Immigration New Zealand website.

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NZSTA Award Winners 2023

NZSTA award winners announced

Congratulations to this year's recipients of the NZSTA awards announced at the annual general meeting held on 27 April via Zoom webinar.

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Aspirations for speech-language therapy services provided to Māori following stroke

Megan Eustace, a PhD student at the University of Canterbury, describes her aspirations for speech-language therapy services provided to Māori following stroke.

Megan was awarded the Marion Saunders Trust Award for her project presented at the NZSTA Symposium.

 Read more from Megan in the Summer/Raumati edition of Communication Matters.

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COVID-19 update
While COVID still circulates across New Zealand, we have reached a better understanding of the disease and its spread. At last, we can move out of COVID alerts and manage COVID like any infectious dis…

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OPEN LETTER: Continue work on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
On 14 December, NZSTA joined 61 organisations and individuals in an open letter calling on Government to be bold, act on its values and continue work towards recognising Indigenous human rights in Aot…

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NZSTA Board Statement: role of the association vs union
The NZSTA Board has issued the following statement on the role of association vs union November 2022

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