2025 Awareness Week
15th – 21st September
The theme of this year’s awareness week is 'Wairuatanga' - taking care of ourselves so we can take care of others.
Previous Awareness Weeks
23rd – 29th September
The theme of this year’s awareness week is celebrating difference, inspired by the whakataukī E koekoe te tūī, e ketekete te kākā, e kūkū te kererū. We encourage members to consider how to use this theme in any SLT awareness week events they may be considering.
The association will celebrate the week in a number of ways.
Online awareness posts
Daily infographic focused on understanding communication differences – e.g., AAC, stuttering, aphasia, language, speech, artificial voice, selective mutism. If you have anything in particular you would like us to profile – please get in touch!
Online awareness campaign with daily posts of stories celebrating communication difference. Please see the social media post below and consider making a submission!
Social media post – initial call for stories
Share Your Story: Celebrating Difference!
E koekoe te tūī, e ketekete te kākā, e kūkū te kererū.
We believe that every voice is unique and that diversity in communication enriches our world. As we celebrate Speech-language Therapy Awareness Week, we want to hear your stories of embracing and celebrating differences—whether it’s about a unique way of communicating or the incredible impact of speech and language therapy.
Have you or a loved one experienced a unique communication journey?
How is communication your superpower?
Have speech and language therapy services made a difference in your life, helping you embrace and celebrate your individuality?
Are you an SLT offering speech language therapy services with a difference?
Share your stories with us! Whether it’s a personal experience, a moment of triumph, or a heartfelt message, we want to celebrate the power of diversity and the incredible ways we all express ourselves.
To participate in this celebration of difference, email us with your story - communications@speechtherapy.org.nz. Feel free to include any creative expressions—art, poetry, a video, or even a song! The most creative expression will be awarded a gorgeous prize pack!
We’ll pull together these stories in a series of social media posts during our upcoming SLT Awareness Week – by submitting your story, you give permission for us to share.
Submissions close Sunday September 8th!
Shared story event
Come along to a special Ngā Pakiwaitara session on Tuesday 24th September, 10.30am at Tūranga Library in Christchurch, to celebrate Speech-language Therapy Awareness Week 2024. Along with our friends from Tūranga Library, we’ll be sharing stories and songs in English, te reo Māori and New Zealand Sign Language, celebrating the beautiful diversity of communication in Aotearoa. There’ll be stickers, a colouring in competition, and spot prizes! Hope to see you there.
If you would like to run something similar in your area, contact your local library, or consider a similar event at a local school or ECE.
Suggested books for shared reading
More Than Words by Roz MacLean
Boy by Phil Cummings
All The Ways to Be Smart – Davina Bell
Wanda’s Words Got Stuck – Lucy Rowland
Colouring in competition
Children under 12 are welcomed to enter our NZSTA awareness week colouring in competition! Please download and print the colouring in page and send the completed entry back to communications@speechtherapy.org.nz by Wednesday September 18th, to be in the draw to win a prize pack! We encourage the addition of beautiful native New Zealand birds to the page, to compliment the whakataukī that our theme is based on this year.
Digital resources
There are a range of digital resources available for printing and displaying for awareness week, including A2 and A3 posters and a sticker template.
A3 poster
Ngā Reo o Aotearoa poster - jpg format
Ngā Reo o Aotearoa poster - pdf format
Sticker - png format
Sticker - jpg format
Working together, in partnership, towards a common goal
18 – 24 September 2023
Speech Language Therapy Awareness Week is coming up on the 18th-24th of September! This year’s theme is ‘Kotahitanga’, a Māori concept referring to working together in partnership towards a common goal. As part of awareness week, the NZSTA will be preparing a seven-day social media campaign, showcasing examples of SLT partnerships in the spirit of kotahitanga. We invite submissions from SLTs around the country, celebrating their partnerships. This could be with a client or patient, an organisation, or multidisciplinary based.
Submissions closed on Thursday 24th August.
Aroha mai, aroha atu
18 – 25 September 2022
Aroha mai, aroha atu = Aroha received, aroha given.
After a couple of years of uncertainty and difficulties navigating a global pandemic, this year’s theme could provide a much-needed pick-me-up! Let’s show some aroha for our profession and everyone within it! Aroha means more than ‘love’.
Many Māori kīwaha (phrases) like this one are small but broad and deep. It is based on life experiences and is value loaded. It is not an academic exercise and is hard to learn. It is simply who you are and how you do.
Aroha is expressed in many of the arts like waiata and is shown in so many ways. It is when you add your own view of love based on a memory with someone or something that triggers your emotions, and that is aroha. - good, bad or sad.
Dr Rangimarie Pere, in her book Te Wheke says, ‘Aroha is an important concept in regard to the survival and true strength of whanaungatanga (kinship ties, extended family across all universes) … Aroha is not to be talked about; it is only meaningful when actioned … Caring for people and sharing is also quite commonplace for Māori people who have retained the traditions of old.’
What does aroha mean to you, and how can you reciprocate aroha to others?
Te wero to members: pay it forward with aroha
Congratulations to Polly Newton for the winning video entry - how many ways can you say Aroha.
You can watch the winning entry below and with other video uploads on our Facebook page.