Te Rito Bicultural Competency Courses 5-7
FOR REGISTERED SLTs onlyCourses 5-7 deliver training on decolonisation, equity, and anti-racism over 30 shorter modules. They are supported by embedding wānanga facilitated by NZSTA members (TBC).
The completion of modules in courses 5-7 requires a minimum of 80% screen views for each module. C07M07 does contain a number of screens that are nested within the Roadmaps section of the module. To complete the module, Learners must view all the screens within the Roadmaps section.
NZSTA CPD Units = up to 16 units for completing courses 5-7.
Courses 5-7 take about 15 minutes per module at a minimum—again, many extra links, videos, etc., will extend that time if a learner does everything in them, but the total time for these 30 shorter modules is 7-8 hours.
There is also an expectation/requirement of attending in-house wānanga (six hours) over the period of completion of Courses 5-7.
That's around twenty hours of training minimum (over whatever period you choose).
(Click on the koru symbol to begin the course)
Course content includes:
TRC05M01 Introduction He kupu whakataki
TRC05M02 How does Te Tiriti relate to me Ko Au, ko Te Tiriti
TRC05M03 Connecting to Te Tiriti and to Aotearoa He hononga ki Te Tiriti
TRC05M04 Using Te Reo to Connect He aho te reo Māori
TRC05M05 Connecting to Each Other Ka hono tētahi ki tētahi
TRC05M06 The Language of Colonisation Te reo o te tāmitanga
TRC05M07 The Truth Behind the Words He kōrero pono
TRC05M08 Teaching our history Te whakaako tāhuhu kōrero
TRC05M09 Colonisation’s Legacy He whakarerenga tāmitanga
TRC05M10 Do you feel colonised E rongo tāmi ana koe
TRC06M01 Race, Ethnicity, Culture & Nationality Iwi, Mātāwaka, Ahurea
TRC06M02 A colonising ideology He whakapono tāmitanga
TRC06M03 Colonising ideology in Aotearoa He whakapono tāmitanga ki Aotearoa
TRC06M04 The power of propaganda Te mana o te kupu whakanewha v2
TRC06M05 Monumental mistakes He hapa hiranga
TRC06M06 Bias, Prejudice & Discrimination He whakahāweatanga
TRC06M07 Racism He aukati te kaikiri
TRC06M08 A closer look at systemic racism He tirohanga ki te kaikiri
TRC06M09 Systemic Racism in Hauora He kaikiri toronaha me hauora
TRC06M10 Racism hara, mamae, moumou He kaikiri hara, mamae, moumou
TRC07M01 Understanding defensiveness Kia mārama i te parahau
TRC07M02 Moving to openness Kia whakawātea
TRC07M03 Acknowledging privilege Kia whakamōhio i te whiwhi painga
TRC07M04 Equity and sharing Te mana taurite, te whaipānga
TRC07M05 Cultural appropriation Te pāhao tikanga
TRC07M06 Tokenism He ngutu kau
TRC07M07 Roadmaps for our future He mahere ki anamata
TRC07M08 Inside Matike Mai Ko Matike Mai
TRC07M09 Restoration He whakaoranga
TRC07M10 Flourishing Te puāwaitanga
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