Embracing a systems change mindset

10:00 AM
11:30 AM


Online Event

Online workshop examining system change within a diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) context, supporting practitioners to take a holistic view of an organisation and identify the interconnected factors that contribute to inequity.
DEI professionals are often tasked with promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within organisations, but they will only be successful if they have a deep understanding of the complex systems and structures that perpetuate inequity.

These systems can include policies, procedures, culture, and norms that shape how an organisation operates and how individuals interact with one another.

By examining these systems, they can identify the root causes of inequity and develop targeted strategies to address them, rather than simply addressing symptoms or individual incidents of discrimination.

The objectives of this workshop are:

·        Defining systems change within a DEI workplace context.

·        Understanding what mindset is required for systems change

·        Practice this mindset using a simple iceberg model.

Find out more about your facilitator Sarah Macdonald.

Event Details:

Date: Tuesday 30 May 2023

Time: 10am-11.30am

Venue: Online

Investment: Member $190+GST; Non-member $250+GST