Classification of the Movement Disorders of Cerebral Palsy
The course will explore current understanding of the classification of the different sub-groups, of children with Movement Disorders of Cerebral Palsy.
Please contact course organiser for an application form
Closing date for applications: 12 September 2023
You will gain an understanding of tone and its relationship to classification of type and become familiar with and apply current classification tools. Features of the sub-groups of cerebral palsy will be observed and analyzed. Video and photographic examples of the different classifications are presented under each subgroup. The course content will enable observation and analysis of tone and patterns of movement of the different types of children. You will be able to recognize and explain the key features and common associated impairments of each classification type. Epidemiological evidence will enhance understanding of the changing presentation of children with Cerebral Palsy over time.
The course has been developed to allow you to study in a manner that best suits you and your practice context. As adult learners you will probably do far more. The learning is graduated across each week with the questions to be answered in the ZOOM tutorials. There is also a final written assignment which will be required to be submitted to a satisfactory standard to complete this Classification Module and be awarded the Certificate of Completion/Attendance.
This course is one of the modules for the certificated Foundation Course for Paediatric Clinical Practice and must be completed prior to attending the applied clinical practice modules. Alternatively, it can also be completed as a stand-alone module.
Course Aims:
As therapists, we classify in order to treat; the course aims to teach you to:
- Understand and identify the different types of movement disorders of CP.
- Understand how different movement disorders are classified in CP.
- Use ways of identification and classification of movement disorders in a clinical reasoning framework based on for planning interventions across the lifespan of children with CP.
Course Objectives:
- Understand classification of CP framed within the WHO International Classification of Functioning, Disability & Health (ICF), current neuroscience, motor learning, motor control theory and child development.
- Study and understand the different types of cerebral palsy, including definition, aetiology, epidemiology, postural tone, clinical features, presentation, and associated conditions for each type.
- Learn how to classify the different types of CP according to function.
- Learn to apply the range of classification scales in your practice.
- Sharpen your clinical observation, analysis, and clinical reasoning skills.
How does the Module Work?
- The course runs from 10th October – 1st December 2023
- The course content includes Power Point lectures in PDF format confidential, videos clips of children and linked research articles
- The course material is accessed through Dropbox and course content will be added to weekly. This can be accessed at your own pace, at any time.
- Recommended pre-reading materials will be provided before the course starts
- On-course reading: accompanying reading is specifically linked with the lecture material to enhance your learning and understanding.
- NB. Not all the reading is required to be completed during the course; essential reading is indicated; additional extension reading is also indicated and is only provided as a resource for when participants return to practice or for those who wish to read more around the aspect.
- Weekly ZOOM Tutorials are mandatory to attend and form part of the requirements or receiving the course completion certificate of attendance. Tutorial times will be scheduled over the 6 weeks.
- Tutorial questions will need to be addressed each week; questions are based on the content for that week.
- The minimum expected self-directed learning time is approximately 5-7hours each week that the course is running. This is dependent on your level of experience and your personal learning style and habits.
- Ongoing Tutor support is provided for the duration of the Module to support and guide your learning
- You are encouraged to write your thinking and information in a reflective logbook as you view the online module as this will assist your learning as you go.
On-Course Reading:
Adult learning lends itself to knowing more about any topic. The reading material is just that. Please do not stress about the extra information provided. This is for those that want to read more. The Power points videos and photo compilations are the most important aspects of each week. Do these first and then do more reading and journal your learning points as you go. Please note “Essential Reading Tasks” versus “Learning Extension tasks”. Anything that is not clear we can highlight in the Tutorials as we go. Reading and other tasks are signaled with the below symbols throughout the content.
Weekly Tutorials:
- We will check in each week to see how you are coping and feel free at any time to connect with your Tutor around any difficulties with IT or with accessing information.
- Pre-Module check-in tutorial - Classification will have a Pre-Reading Material Tutorial: This will just be a check in and question tutorial to introduce yourself and to see you have accessed the information using the links to Dropbox.
- The weekly learning material will be posted the previous week every Monday evening.
- The Tutorials will be held at 7pms NZ time. Attendance and participation is compulsory for certification of the module.
- The Zoom tutorial link/invite will be sent through to you as a recurring link every Tuesday.
- The Weekly Zoom questions will be posted to you to assist in focusing your learning within each module. You do not have to write or submit your answers rather this is a guide for the tutorial and a chance to ask further questions around the subject.
- The Tutors will be expecting everyone to participate in information sharing and questions, but equally we do not want you to be pressured by this. Adult learning is more successful when done in a non-threatening way. We want these sessions to be shared and open. Remember we are all learning, and the Tutors will learn from you just as much as you will learn from the Tutors.
The Assignment at the End of the Module:
- There is a written assignment which will be required to be submitted to a satisfactory standard to complete this Classification Module. Completion of all components of this module, and attendance at the weekly Tutorials are mandatory to receiving the Certificate of Attendance/Achievement.
Other Information:
Relevant Participant Groups: Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Language Therapists
Location? In your chosen place and space of learning – online distance-based learning module
What resources do you need to have? Time, computer, good internet connectivity, uninterrupted learning space, thinking brain
Module costs:
NZBA Members $850 including GST
Non Members $950 incl GST
Refund Policy!! Due to the nature of the Foundation Course redesign there will be strictly no refunds provided for the module if a person is unable to participate in the course after registering. Another may attend in your place, however, please be in contact with us via email to organise this. A substitute is acceptable if we are given as much advanced notice in writing as possible prior to the course starting. Substitution is not possible two weeks prior to the start date.
Also, remember to schedule at least 5-6 hours in your weekly schedule to give you time to appreciate the new learning. Learning is tiring but increasing knowledge and understanding lights up the reward centres of the brain (yay for dopamine). You will also feel good about your new knowledge as you integrate it into your existing knowledge. Remember, everyone will be at a different learning level.
Lastly, a note on Professional Ethics: